After the AW11 keychains were completed and turned out well, I wanted to do something special for the owners of the second gen cars. I embarked on another international collaboration project to get this design made and turned in to a reality! I collaborated with Lalo Arturo Arguijo and Chris Klug to create keychains to show love and respect to the SW20 owners out there. Lalo and Chris provided me with the photos of their cars which I was able to use to create the design for the sw20 keychains. I commissioned talented artist Oleg Markaryan (Russia) for the box artwork. I had a vision of how I wanted the box graphics to look and Oleg was able to make that happen. I leaned heavily on Howard Betts (U.K.) for layout and ideas on the box art as well as helping me spend about a month cleaning up the lines of the keychain design until we were happy with it. Howard was also able to come to the rescue for the project to complete some final revisions which were not otherwise possible as the person working with me on the design unfortunately caught Covid right as we were reaching the finish line!